Return to Work Facilitation
Working is often an important, meaningful and financial component to life. Injuries often create multiple barriers to returning to work. Advance Therapy Solutions looks to assist in returning people to their normal duties. There are several tools and methods which may assist in returning and individual to work or optimising a workplace or individual to reduce the risk and prevent an injury from occurring.

Functional Capacity Evaluation
These tests are designed to test an employee either to their functional capacity and often in line with the expected duties in a specific role. It is a comprehensive assessment that looks at body movement, strength, balance, sustained posture tolerances and lifting capacities.
Worksite Assessments
Worksites are assessments where an employer or business may request an evaluation of a worker’s capacity at work doing their normal duties. Workers are observed performing their usual duties to identify the functional limitations.
Ergonomic Assessments
Just as modifications to manually laborious job are essential to reduce the risk of injury, so too is modifications to a workstation. Whether it is modifications to desks, computers, keyboards, mice or other workstation equipment. Optimising the ergonomics of a workstation is the first step in reducing incidence of injuries occurring from sustained, repetitive, or sedentary roles.
Suitable Duties Plans
Returning to work sooner has shown to be beneficial in recovery of individuals. Often modifications may need to be made to provide safe and appropriate duties for returning to work. A suitable duties plan is a common tool that may be designed by one of our team to facilitate the most optimal return to work in line with the workers normal duties, medical restrictions and employers requirements.